Wednesday, February 20, 2008

OMG!!! What did I do???

So here i am... finally starting my own blog after years and years of religiously following a few without 'dem peeps even knowing it.... anyways... I finally sign up tonite.. with a laptop on my lap as I sit on the 'seat of comfort'.

Will I be able to write as often as I should?? who knows... I just started so lets see how it goes. Be prepared to learn some desi vocabulary though as u read on.

wtf is a desi? well u will read about this alot in my blogs - guaranteed, so lets get this thing straight. desi = someone originating from the indian sub-continent... like as in... india, pakistan, sri lanka and that area.

this is just a start. more words to learn as i write.

my rules:
1. if u don't like what i like... who cares - move on and get a life.
2. u don't like my desi terms.... hahahahah.. SO?
3. ur opinion differs from mine.... get a life someplace else.
4. u like what i write...... awesome.. leave a comment or sumtin.
5. do not tell my homeys about my blog, parents especially... i am still their 'decent' son. lets keep it that way.
6. if i say sumtin abt the amreekans that is not cool... do not tell 'dem fb of i folks... they suck ass... oh wait.. no... they r cool peeps.. just remembered i have applied for citizenship and they can screw me over.
7. any comment disrespecting me, my family or any of my homeys.... remember... i can hunt u down and send my people after u. us northern desis do not take any sheeyat from anyone.
8. about my work.... never mind... have to work to support the kids.
9. if i don't post anything for a while... that's cause i don't wanna. do not send me e-mails or comments asking me to post. i will do it when i feel like it.
10. I AM KING of my blog!!! remember that!!! and this blog is my KINGDOM!!!.... pheasants!!! sheesh!